Meso Therapy Treatment

Best Mesotherapy Treatment In India

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical fashion treatment that uses injections of vitamins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and factory excerpts to rejuvenate, tighten skin, and remove over excess of fat. Mesotherapy is the most popular and best treatment which is performed through out Europe, and was developed by France doctor Michael Pistor in 1952. The original purpose of the Mesotherapy treatment is to relieve the pain of the heads.

Mesotherapy is a treatment given for both the men and women who are suffering from hair loss and hypertensions. The treatment is plainly an indispensable system of restoring missing hair by fitting vitamins, proteins, and other vital nutrients into the scalp’s mesoderm is used to restore hormonal balance.

As a result, cell metabolism resumes and the hair follicles are able to produce long, thick, dense, and strong hair.

Mesotherapy in hair loss

Mesotherapy in hair loss and the professional’s uses veritably uses or practices needles to deliver the ingredients into the mesoderm for regrowth or for healthy hairs, the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin. The most common reason of hair loss is that due to lack of proper nutrients or proper food; which reduces blood circulation and hormonal factors. By taking the Mesotherapy treatment it can deliver the exact nutrient to the right place around the hair follicles, where it is really needed and required.

Mesotherapy can also increase rotation, reduces the inflammation, and even indeed offset the excess of DHT in the underpinning tissues of the scalp. Hence, mesotherapy can stimulate the hair follicle and effectively gives treatment for hair loss in both men and women.

Such as there is no standard formula there for the substance injected in mesotherapy; though it depends on the condition of person which he/she suffering from.

There are different solutions or substances used as mentioned below:

Formulated medicines like vasodilators such as minoxidil and so on.

  • Hormones such as thyroxin or calcitonin
  • Enzymes like collagenase or hyaluronidase
  • Herbal Extracts
  • Vitamins, minerals or amino acid

To treat alopecia or hair loss vitamins, minerals, natural plant extracts, or medicines such as minoxidil and finasteride are injected into the scalp. Mesotherapy reduces hair loss, aids hair growth, and inhibits the further process of male or female pattern baldness.

Side effects

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical or minimal-invasive technique, performed as an out-patient procedure. The treatment is safe as the injected ingredient usually contains vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and so on which usually do not cause allergic or side effects. During the treatment the injections are given with a very fine needle, thereby the patient may feel mild discomfort or pain.

Though few side effects are noted
  • Nausea
  • Pain in sensitive patients
  • Itching or redness and swelling
  • Bruising or bumps at the injection site
  • Discoloration of the skin
Risk factors

The patient suffering from diabetes, bleeding disorder, hemophilia, or during pregnancy the procedure should not be carried out; and in patients with chronic skin, disorders need to be done with caution. However, patients on certain medications such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can increase the risk of bleeding therapy; hence have to stop one week prior to the procedure.


Prior to therapy, a topical numbing cream is applied in a very sensitive patient. The professional uses either a specific fine needle or a meso gun to deliver the series of injections. The depth of injection into the skin varies from 1to 4 mm and upon the condition being treated. At every injection, it places only a tiny drop of substance into the skin to the affected area of hair loss.

Mesotherapy for hair loss requires multiple sessions 5 to 15 to achieve the optimum results. In the beginning, the therapy is usually performed once in 10 to 15 days, and in due course, after some improvement, it is advised once a month.

However, we at Clear Skin & Hair Rich Centre perform minimum-invasive mesotherapy with a special mechanical machine called Mesogun which allows a very accurate depth of injection and the amount of the preparatory injected. Mesogun Injector performs dozens of times more punctures than it is possible to inject manually; therefore the procedure is effective and almost painless. Hence, the patient can attend their duties and regular activities immediately after treatment.


Post-Treatment Instructions:

You can resume your daily activity almost immediately after your mesotherapy; hardly there are minimal restrictions. Do not press, touch, rub or massage on the treated area for at least 10-12 hours after your treatment.
Avoid strenuous exercise, sun or heat for 24 to 48 hours. Don’t wash or shampoo on the same day, you can wash the hair on the next day.
Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine at least for 3-4 days. Do not apply sprays, gels, any other styling products to your hair for at least 4 days.
If you develop swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour. Do not wet your hair for at least 3 hours after your treatment.
Avoid chemical based shampoos for first four days. Use shampoo that is pH balanced, for example baby shampoos (any brand). In extremely rare cases skin infection may occur, don’t panic, the discomfort is easily treated with antibiotic medicines.
Avoid hair colouring, straightening or using other hair products for 3 days. Do not forget to use medicines prescribed by doctor between the sessions.
Avoid using minoxidil or any hair product or coloring or straightening for 3 days for 3 days. Do not hesitate to call us or to visit our clinic, if you have any discomfort; our doctor’s team will help you out.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms, swimming for 2 days after your treatment.

It works,Says our Patients

Mesotherapy Treatment



Mesotherapy Treatment

