Chemical Peeling Treatment

Best chemical peels Treatment in India

Chemical peels are cosmetic skin treatments that are used to improve the appearance of the skin. The skin is treated with a chemical solution that causes it to exfoliate and gradually peel off. Acne and its scarring, wrinkles, sun damage can all be reduced with this skin treatment. It helps to bring out newer, softer, and younger-looking skin.

Facial Skin rejuvenation improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun and age spots, skin discoloration, and acne scars.

Skin/Facial rejuvenation is a series of cosmetic treatments, which can restore the youthfulness appearance of facial skin. Facial rejuvenation is achieved either by surgical/nonsurgical treatments.

We at Clear skin centre use the best chemical peels in treating skin pigmentation of the face, pimples, acne scars, and aged skin. It helps to bring out newer, softer, and younger-looking skin.

Chemical peeling which is done with chemicals obtained from natural sources such as fruits, sugarcane, and or milk. It is a simple, safe, effective and time tested treatment for pigmentation of the face, pimples, acne scars and aged skin. The treatment is finished in a few minutes and requires about 4-6 sittings at 2 to 3 wks intervals for good results.

Types of chemical peel treatments

A chemical peel is a form of skin resurfacing treatment. You can get a chemical peel in one of three depths, depending on the issues you’re trying to solve with the procedure.The three different types of chemical peels that you can get are:

Superficial or Light chemical peel

Mild acids like alpha hydroxy acids are used to penetrate the outer layer of the skin to gently exfoliate. Fine wrinkles, acne, irregular skin tone, and dryness are all treated with it.

Medium chemical peel

A medium chemical peel contains glycolic or trichloroacetic acids used to treat the middle and outer layers of skin. This treatment is used to treat wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin tone, age spots, fine lines, freckles, and moderate discoloration.

Deep chemical peel

Acids like trichloroacetic acid or phenol are applied to penetrate deeply to remove damaged skin cells. Moderate lines, marks, age spots, freckles, and superficial scars can all be removed with this procedure. Patients will notice a significant change in the quality of their skin.

Uses of chemical peels:
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and around the mouth.
  • Treat wrinkles caused by ageing and sun exposure.
  • Mild wounds can be made to look better.
  • Certain forms of acne may be treated.
  • Pregnancy or birth control pills may trigger age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) are treated.
  • Improve the appearance and feel of your skin.


Do use broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50+ for minimum of 1 week before and after treatments. Don’t overexposure yourself to sunlight
Do protect your skin by using sunglasses, hats and caps Don't try to do a chemical peel treatment yourself at home
Do inform your doctor about any allergies and history of skin care conditions, such as cold sores you may have. Don't wax or use any form of hair removal 1 week before and up to 1 week after treatments.
Cleanse Gently and use very mild soaps and face washes for 5 days after treatment Don't try to do a peel treatment yourself at home
Do use moisturizer and stay hydrated Don't pick at any of your skin that may be peeling
Do inform your doctor all medications you currently are taking or have taken within the last 6 months. Do not expose to harsh environments, or pollution
Discontinue the use of any products containing retinol or glycolic acid Don’t go for chemical peel if your skin has been sunburned or you have any open lesions.
For better and good results, book a series of treatments with your skin care professional. Don’t miss your scheduled appointments for the procedural treatment
Do choose the reputed cosmetic centre for treatment Don’t expect too much result from single session and have patience for series of sessions

It works,Says our Patients

Chemical Peeling

